We have all the new closet shelving that i bought at a rummage sale hung on the wall of our bedroom and i cannot believe how much extra room it has given us i have several quilts cut out that i can make accessible now that i have room to store it. There is also room to store the other knitting and crochet projects started and not finished so when i want to do something like that i don't just start something new to do but can go back to what i have already started.
It's just putting everything back that is the problem. Our little sitting room is jam packed with STUFF and Ambrosina told me to get rid of everything i didn't want to move again. A new house is in the future for the family.
She and i have been going thru the 50+ tubs of fabric and have cut and planned our winter's sewing. Several tubs are now empty and we have some of fabrics that we will donate so someone else can use them. We even have projects planned that we, gasp, will have to buy fabrics for. Not something we have had to do much in the past, since we are both such fabric hoarders, and shop rummage sale and thrift shops for most of our fabrics and sewing notions. I think it will be fun, fabric stores being our main source of recreation. I still have several tubs to get through and I will do that this week while i work on finishing the quiet book for our little boys in Washington, i want to get it wrapped up and ready to mail payday.
This month I am going to get a smart phone because i lost my phone in Washington when we were out there in July. I will be able to use it to take pictures, because i still can't find my camera. Maybe then i will be able to post pictures more regularly, but for now this will just have to do.
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