Including the marking of the borders for the scallops. It is not perfect, but then neither am I so we match! It was a lot of fun, and will I ever make another one? Possibly sometime in the future. This one will get quilted sometime in May. I started it June 22 of last year so 11 months isn't bad. I have heard of one person who has been on it for 8 years! I didn't work on it steadily since I have so many other irons in the fire and sewing for clients.
So have I got my next project planned? No, I think I should go through my UFO tub and see what's there, I have forgotten and I really should see if I can eliminate the tub by finishing everything that's in it. There is nothing to beat going through the UFO tub to get fresh ideas, it puts off doing projects I am not so much in love with.
This is one-half pound of wool roving I bought so I could dye it before I spin it. I have a full pound but will have to dye it in two batches.
I am using food coloring since it is readily available and I don't have a lot of money for dyes that I have to order online. It's for me so if it isn't colorfast over a long period of time I won't have any complaints.
Would I prefer to use acid dyes? Definitely, but we do what we can. I enjoyed it tremendously and am pleased with the results. It's the joy of doing anyway. I am just happy I can do it in my own modest way.
It turned out so pretty, like rainbow sherbet and I can't wait to spin it.
The counter in the laundry room, my new dye kitchen, isn't done yet, but I used the top of the washer and dryer. I am supposed to get cupboards in there too and I am looking forward to being able to put my stuff away. It's sort of messy storing everything in the dye pots.
So that's what's going on these last two weeks, only momentous to me, but it's a good life!