H-3 Berry Baskets, I had the first one made before I realized it was wrong, so now I have an extra block. H-4 Abbey's Eyes
H-5 Michael's Motorcycle H-6 Pie Sale, so far this is my favorite, tiny pieces, curved piecing, it can't get any better!
These don't have names, but I have four of the right side border blocks. Yesterday I did four block, but three in a mornings sewing has been about my average, anymore sewing and I don't have time for any spinning before lunch and it makes me awfully tired. It is not because it is hard work, but it takes a lot of concentration. I am pleased at the progress I am making and if I can keep it up I will make my goal.
The work is winding down in the other side of the basement. It passed the final electric and the appliances are being moved in tonight. The plumbing inspection is on Friday. Final paint touch-ups are happening and so is final clean-up. Soon I will be moving my furniture back in, I am pretty excited about that. Now, maybe the weather will warm up.