F-2 Kaleidoscope, this is very similar to a block I made for a sampler quilt many years ago called Dusty Miller. It went together very smoothly and I think that if I were going to chose a block to make an entire quilt of this one would definitely be in the running.
This one also gives a lot of bang for the buck. Enjoyable to piece, fast and simple, doesn't matter to the looks that it's a little off-center.
F-3 Snowball
F-4 Old Windmill
This one was a little trickier, I found that the best way was to make the center then join all the outer pieces making a ring. I had to leave the inner quarter inch seam allowance so that I could pivot and it worked very well. The upper right corner square isn't really not square, it was just the way the picture turned out and I didn't retake it.
F-5 Parcheesi
F-6 Deanie's Daisies, fast to piece and hand appliqued the teensy little leaves. Not very well I might redo them, and then again might not. I'm not going for a show quilt!
I wanted to share this picture of sun dogs from yesterday morning, Ambrosina took it on the way to taking the kids to school. She said it looked like we have three sons. I have never seen them in person I don't go out when it's cold enough to see them, but some day I might. I am also waiting to see the Northern Lights which can get very bright down here but one has to get away from the lights of the city. One night we tried but David doesn't have the patience so we never got to a point to where we could see them. He likes to get to bed early and didn't want to spend the best sleeping hours looking for them. That is only fair, I don't want to spend my best sleeping hours to get up and see the sunrise. Anyway, it's a pretty cool picture.
And it's only two months until spring!