This is the unit pinned, and the steps are as follows:
Line up the points of the 2 pieces, have the sides evenly spaced in the center with the concave unit on top of the convex unit.
1st pin in the center
Line up the sides; it doesn't really matter which side you pin first, but for some reason I always do the left side, don't know why, I just do.
Pin. Then about half way between the sides pin again, I have found stretching the top a little makes the fit better and it is on the bias so it isn't difficult. You can pin again on each side of the last pin put in, but I have done it enough I don't need to anymore, although for the first three quilt tops I did in this pattern I did the extra pinning as shown in the first paragraph.
On the other side (right if you pin left first) line up the sides and pin. Always make sure the sides are as parallel as possible, it will make a huge difference in the finished piece.
Stretch slightly and put the pin in the middle. Add two more to the right and left of that if needed.
When you sew, always use a seam guide for perfect seams and to keep from taking too big a bite into the seam and making puckers. As you sew remove the pin just before it goes under the needle. Not only is it better for your machine it also keeps little pleats from forming. I use almost 800 of these units in a quilt top so it pays to take pains and pin. I usually do it when I am watching tv to relieve the mind numbing boredom of it.
This afternoon I went and had further imaging on my right breast. And ultrasound. It turns out that I have to spots that need attention, so I will be having a biopsy as soon as it can be scheduled. It doesn't mean cancer, of course, but with our family history it's better to take pains now then what could happen. I won't deny that I am stressed about it, but I am trying to keep calm and keep busy. I will be glad when it's over. We will deal with whatever has to be dealt with, fretting about it won't make it come any faster or be any better, but it's not easy. What a day!